A Rollercoaster Ride To Remember

Build a Rollercoaster, where a football drops at one end and travels to the other end via gravity alone! Immense concentration and visualization required.



Collaboration & Visualization, Skill Building


Activity in a capsule

This activity involves you to split into teams with each team building a particular block of a rollercoaster. In the end, a ball would be dropped at the start line and all the elements need to talk to each other in a way that makes it a joy-ride. Picture this. Lots of hustling teams, looking for materials, bargaining, laughing and still competing to complete their part of the challenge. You might build something that looks right, only to realize later that it does not fit intoyour neighbour’s structure.

And boy! when the ball is finally dropped, it is like waiting for your exam results. But the sheer joy when it goes full swing and the activity is a success is something we don’t get tired of watching. A few of you performing a post-mortem to see what could have been done better and the other few high-fiving each other- what better way of making a team realize the strengths they possess when working together.



It is all about visualization, conviction and collaboration. You have to be on your toes, be convinced about your end goal and try to match it with the rest of the team. The bonus is of course, hours of unlimited fun.

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